The Legendary Ones

Chapter 1: Angels Unaware

Avana Lilly


Photo by Mike Kotsch on Unsplash

It was a cold wet rainy night. The sun wasn’t completely set yet and already it was nearly dark. Deep grey snow clouds filled the sky as an icy rain started to fall. A very ominous-looking night indeed.

Josh and Emma were heading home from a charity dinner. They had stopped at their small neighborhood church on the way home. Emma liked going to the little church, she had known Father MacAbee since she was a child.

This time they were dropping off some canned food and clothes they had collected to help the Winter Charity Drive. They got out and gathered the boxes and bags from the back seat. Josh’s phone rang and he signaled to her he had to take the call.

Emma went inside first looking for Father MacAbee. She always felt at home here.

Josh wasn’t a religious man, but genuinely admired the way the church staff honestly cared for their parishioners. The whole congregation reached out to aid those in the community who help. So he enjoyed helping out there when he knew he could make a positive difference.

“Father, we got some things for the winter drive. Where would you like us to put them.” She called as came into the church foyer.

No reply. She headed towards the alter room. Noticing immediately the very heavy ominous feeling in the air. For some reason they had all the alter candles lit.

“Father MacAbee?”she called. Walking past down the aisle and past the pews. She noticed through the windows that the cold rain had turned into heavy snow. I hope Josh hurries inside. She thought to herself.

“Father are you here? Sister Barnaby, Mrs. Caffney anyone here?” Still no reply.

A thud from the foyer told her, her husband had made it inside with boxes.

“Emma where you at?” he opened the door. “Ah, found you,” he said with a big smile. “Woah, what’s going on in here? Where’s the Padre?” His face went from happy to confused.

She shrugged. “I don’t know, I can’t find Father MacAbee or Sister Barnaby.”

“That’s odd. Doesn’t the church staff usually have their weekly potluck on Wednesdays? He asked.

“Yeah, that’s why Sister Barnaby said to come by tonight. I spoke to her just this morning.”

“Maybe they had an emergency or something. I heard old man Turner wasn’t doing so well. I mean maybe he… You know… Took a bad turn.’’ Josh made a grim face.

“Oh, I hope not. I hadn’t thought about that.” She crossed herself. Just in case.

The wind started to roar outside. The blizzard was picking up. Suddenly the lights flickered. The wind got louder and tree branches seemed to scratch and tap the window. Emma got closer to Josh.

“Good thing all these candles are already lit,” Emma said as she pulled to Josh’s side.

“Let’s check the office for Father MacAbee or Sister Barnaby, I think we might be here for a while.”

There was a loud bang and the church doors flew open. Snow, ice, and freezing wind rushed in. Josh hurried to close the doors. A large tree was down and one of its larger limbs had hit the door.

Emma looked out. “Looks like you were right. We won’t be going anywhere that tree is blocking the road.”

Josh closed the doors, “Help me move this wardrobe in front of it.” They both shoved the wardrobe in front of the door so that it wouldn’t blow open again.

The power flickered again and then the lights were gone. “Let’s head to the Father’s office.” Emma led the way. First stopping to take a candelabra off the alter. “He has that big fireplace in there.”

Arriving at his office they found he wasn’t there either. Josh made a fire and Emma went a put some water on for tea. They were just getting comfortable when a loud knocking started on the parish’s side door.

He opened it and found a man collapsed on the doorstep. A young girl who looked about 12 years old was kneeling beside him.

“Help him please, he’s my father.” She cried.



Avana Lilly

Writer, book enthusiast, lover of all things cute & cuddly, pet parent. A history buff, who likes art, nature, and baking. A new book + pastry = A Happy Life.